Broken Helix Original Game Soundtrack

Broken Helix Original Game Soundtrack

ブロークンヘリックス オリジナル・ゲーム・サウンドトラック

Broken Helix Original Game Soundtrack

ブロークンヘリックス オリジナル・ゲーム・サウンドトラック


Catalog Number KICA-7839
Barcode 4988003210663
Release Date Feb 04, 1998
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 2243 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
Manufacturer Konami Co., Ltd.
Distributor King Record Co., Ltd.

Composer Adgio Hutchings, Todd Davies
Sound Designer Adgio Hutchings, Todd Davies
Sound Project Leader Todd Davies
Producer Shigeru Fukutake (KONAMI)
Director Masakazu Abe (KONAMI)
Mastering Engineer Seiji Kaneko (KING RECORDS)
Art Director CITROEN Matsuda (KONAMI)
Designer Masaki Ryo
Visual Co-ordination Shigeru Sasaka (KING RECORDS)
Production Management Sayu-rin’ (KONAMI)
A&R Akio Mishima (KING RECORDS)
Promotion Takayuki Ogura (KONAMI), Tadahisa Kameda (KONAMI)
Sales Promotion Yutaka Watanabe (KING RECORDS)
Special Thanks Prophet Fukami (KONAMI), Punk Takabou (KONAMI), BROKEN HELIX All Staff
Liner Notes Adgio Hutchings
Translation 今井章子
Proofreader Takayuki Fujii

Products represented
Broken Helix


01 Area51 2:13
02 Direct Order 1:25
03 Dark Rhapsody 2:51
04 Alien Atmosphere 2:06
05 Cat N’ Mouse 3:27
06 The Embrace 3:22
07 Metal Files 2:02
08 Damage2 1:55
09 Electreic Blue 2:08
10 Strategic Withdrawal 1:59
11 Ultra Strange 1:27
12 Preditor 3:01
13 Oricles Destiny 3:02
14 Ghostly Matter 2:42
15 R.E.M. 2:17
16 Coffee Buzz 2:05
17 Apocolypse 3:17
18 Resse’s Incantation 2:12
19 Reality Bytes 1:42
20 Room for One More…? 2:33
21 Day of Atonement 2:21
22 The Sigil 2:30
23 The Rush 2:33
24 Scroll 3:34
25 Chromozoned 2:51
26 Damage1 0:44
27 Fitz’s Thee End 0:54
Disc length 63:13

Adgio Hutchings: Composer and Sound Designer.
Creator of tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, 10-15, 17-21, 23, 25, 27 and death cinemas.

Todd Davies: Broken Helix Sound Project Leader, Sound Designer, Composer.
Creator of tracks 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 16, 22, 24, 26 and elevator music.

Producer ★ Shigeru Fukutake (KONAMI)
Director ★ Masakazu Abe (KONAMI)
Mastering Engieer ★ Seiji Kaneko (KING RECORDS)
Art Director ★ CITROEN Matsuda (KONAMI)
Designer ★ Masaki Ryo
Visual Co-ordination ★ Shigeru Sasaka (KING RECORDS)
Production Managiment ★ Sayu-rin’ (KONAMI)
A&R ★ Akio Mishima (KING RECORDS)
Promotion ★ Takayuki Ogura (KONAMI)
★ Tadahisa Kameda (KONAMI)
Sales-Promotion ★ Yutaka Watanabe (KING RECORDS)
Special Thanks ★Prophet Fukami (KONAMI)
★Punk Takabou (KONAMI)

Liner Notes: Adgio Hutchings (pg. 4)
Translation: 今井章子 Proofreader: Takayuki Fujii

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