Genshin Impact - Forest of Jnana and Vidya

Genshin Impact – Forest of Jnana and Vidya

原神-智妙明论之林 Forest of Jnana and Vidya / 原神-ジュニャーナとヴィディヤーの森 Forest of Jnana and Vidya

Genshin Impact – Forest of Jnana and Vidya

原神-智妙明论之林 Forest of Jnana and Vidya
原神-ジュニャーナとヴィディヤーの森 Forest of Jnana and Vidya

Catalog Number N/A
Barcode 3617052149228
Release Date Oct 20, 2022
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 19.99 USD
Media Format 4 Digital
Classification Original Soundtrack
Publisher miHoYo

Composer Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX), Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX), Xin Zhao (HOYO-MiX), Dimeng Yuan (HOYO-MiX), Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX)
Arranger Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX), Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX), Xin Zhao (HOYO-MiX), Dimeng Yuan (HOYO-MiX), Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX)
Conductor Robert Ziegler
Orchestra London Symphony Orchestra, International Master Philharmonic Orchestra, The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, Budapest Scoring Orchestra
Bansuri Eliza Marshall, Jiannan Gu
Ney Josh Plotner
Duduk Martin Robertson
Mandolin Steve Smith
Sitar Arjun Verma, Jonathan Mayer
Saz Dursuncan Cakin
Santur Peyman
Bouzouki Steve Smith
Qanun Maya Youssef
Oud Attab, Kian, Baha Yetkin
Classical Guitar Ashley Blasse, Ye Fan
Piano Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX), Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX), Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX), Dimeng Yuan (HOYO-MiX)
Violin Stephanie Gonley, Ming Liu
Choir Conductor Fang Qi
Choir Sfuture Art Group
Folk Instruments Supervisor Kuljit Bhamra
Recording Studio St Luke’s, Abbey Road Studios, Redfort Studio, Air-Edel Recording Studios, 52Hz Studio, Jintian Recording Studio, Budapest Scoring, Sound Pro Studio
Recording Engineer Lewis Jones, Kuljit Bhamra, Oliver Thompson, Zach Huang, Xiaosi Wang, Jan Holzner, Viktor Szabó, Xiaodong Cao
Sound Editor George Oulton, Freddie Light, Zach Huang, Aaron Xu
Mixing Engineer Lewis Jones, Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX), Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX), Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX), Zach Huang, Xin Zhao (HOYO-MiX)
Mastering Simon Gibson
Production HOYO-MiX

Products represented
Genshin Impact


Disc 1

01 Sumeru 4:45
02 Whirling of Leaves and Petals 1:49
03 Flickering Shadows of Trees 1:49
04 For Riddles, for Wonders 2:14
05 Evergreen Wish 2:06
06 Many-Colored Smiles and Tears 1:44
07 Overnight Dew in the Woods 1:29
08 Thoughts and Prayers 1:19
09 Those Lucid Dreams 2:09
10 Silent Starry Night 1:28
11 Fresh Breezes of Dawn 2:10
12 Halcyon Times 2:00
13 Return to Trueness 1:17
14 Hustle and Bustle of Ormos 1:48
15 End of the Feast 1:56
16 Bustling Streets 2:06
17 Sleepless Night 2:31
18 Village Surrounded by Green 2:33
19 Enchanting Bedtime Stories 2:53
20 Scorching Outpost 2:19
21 Unyielding Witness 2:05
22 In Yonder Ribat 1:53
23 Vigilant Minders 1:29
24 Forest in the Light 2:05
25 Rustling of Tender Foliage 2:19
26 A Desultory Stroll 1:14
27 Chasing the Reflection 1:14
28 As the Soft Wind Blows 1:15
29 Languid and Quiet Moment 1:08
30 Moonlit Night in Sumeru 1:08
31 Vagrant Wandering 1:48
32 A Drowsy Sensation 1:49
33 Ethereal Mildness 0:58
34 Resonant Chant in the Woods 2:08
Disc length 64:58

Disc 2

01 Varuna’s Mercy 1:20
02 Jungle Wanderers 1:59
03 Dissipating Mist 1:29
04 Dewy Morn in the Forest 1:25
05 Stream of Twilight Thoughts 1:33
06 Hymns of Eventide 1:17
07 Over the Tumbling Rivulet 1:55
08 A Shallow Promise 1:01
09 Lost in Sweet Gentle Breezes 1:46
10 Into the Valley of Solitude 1:30
11 Speechless Sorrows 1:39
12 Faint Afterglow 1:25
13 A Puff of Cool Breeze 1:30
14 A Whisper of Evening Star 1:27
15 Distant Yearning 2:00
16 Funneled Gorge 1:19
17 Whitewood Memorabilia 1:07
18 Gone With the Wind 1:23
19 Transparent Night 1:37
20 Tangled Vines 1:22
21 Lingering Memories 2:14
22 Vestige of Dahri 2:12
23 Dust-Laden Recollections 1:53
24 Midnight Reflections 2:21
25 Lonely Star’s Longing 2:16
26 In the Solemn Gloom 1:10
27 Faith in the Percept 1:22
28 A Luminous Path 2:10
29 Dance With Fireflies 1:19
30 Silky Crooning 1:22
31 Beyond Klesha 1:12
32 Melody of Bright New Buds 2:00
33 Melody of Sprouting Flowers 2:10
34 Melody of Fresh Dewdrops 1:49
35 Melody of Hidden Seeds 1:50
36 Melody of Brave Seeds 1:58
37 Melody of Dream Home 2:10
38 Melody of Young Leaves 1:49
39 Melody of Distant Green Fields 1:48
Disc length 65:09

Disc 3

01 Chatter Between Roots 1:38
02 Long-Lost Chapters 1:52
03 Nameless Days 1:17
04 Whispers of Immensity 1:36
05 Immemorial Land 1:18
06 In a Forgotten Tongue 1:38
07 Walk Through the Silent Path 1:44
08 A Fruitless Search 1:43
09 Unbounded Barrenness 1:30
10 Dream of Ageless Time 1:35
11 Dust and Tears 2:04
12 Descending Into the Dark 1:42
13 Hollow Echoes 1:44
14 A Sense of Furtive Unrest 1:35
15 Fading Light 1:40
16 Listless and Numb Ground 1:24
17 In Barren Ashes 3:57
18 Struggle of Dying Embers 3:57
19 Feelings of Smothering 4:09
20 Snare Awaiting 4:08
21 Dreamless Earth 4:13
22 Fatal Confrontation 4:14
23 Before the Light Fades 4:11
Disc length 54:49

Disc 4

01 Swirls of the Stream 4:10
02 Rhymes of Vales 4:05
03 Gilded Runner 4:05
04 Jolts in the Forest 4:08
Disc length 16:28

Disc 1: “Dwelling Where Everlasting Spring Abides”
Disc 2: “Woods, Rivers and Mysteries”
Disc 3: “Eternal Antagonism Between Life and Death”
Disc 4: “Battles of Sumeru”

Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX) (1.01~34 / 2.01, 02, 08, 09, 20, 26, 28, 32, 33~39 / 3.01, 05, 10 / 4.01~04)
Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX) (2.03, 05, 13~15, 19 / 3.02, 12~14, 21~23)
Xin Zhao (HOYO-MiX) (2.04, 06, 10~12 / 3.06~09, 11, 15, 16)
Dimeng Yuan (HOYO-MiX) (2.07, 21, 22, 24, 25 / 3.04, 17, 18)
Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX) (2.16~18, 23, 27, 29~31 / 3.03, 19, 20)
Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX) (1.01~34 / 2.01, 02, 08, 09, 20, 26, 28, 32, 36 / 3.01, 05, 10 / 4.01~04)
Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX) (2.03, 05, 13~15, 19, 35, 39 / 3.02, 12~14, 21~23)
Xin Zhao (HOYO-MiX) (2.04, 06, 10~12, 33, 37 / 3.06~09, 11, 15, 16)
Dimeng Yuan (HOYO-MiX) (2.07, 21, 22, 24, 25 / 3.04, 17, 18)
Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX) (2.16~18, 23, 27, 29~31, 34, 38 / 3.03, 19, 20)

Conductor: Robert Ziegler (1.01~06, 08, 09, 11, 14, 16~23, 26~34 / 2.01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 09, 21, 22, 25, 28~31 / 3.04, 06 / 4.01, 03, 04)
London Symphony Orchestra (1.01~06, 08, 09, 11, 12, 14, 16~23, 26~34 / 2.01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 09, 21, 22, 25, 28~31 / 3.04, 06 / 4.01, 03, 04)
International Master Philharmonic Orchestra (2.11, 13, 14, 17, 33~35, 37~39 / 3.18, 20)
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (2.16)
Budapest Scoring Orchestra (2.34, 38)
Eliza Marshall (1.03~05, 07, 08, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34 / 2.01~04, 06, 11, 12, 15~17, 21, 24, 31, 32 / 3.11, 17, 18 / 4.01~04)
Jiannan Gu (3.22, 23)
Ney: Josh Plotner (1.01, 02, 22 / 2.02, 09)
Duduk: Martin Robertson (1.01, 16 / 2.01, 02 / 3.06, 08 / 4.01)
Mandolin: Steve Smith (1.01, 05, 07 / 2.22 / 4.01, 02)
Arjun Verma (1.01, 04, 08, 14~16, 20, 22, 27, 29, 32 / 2.11, 21 / 4.01~04)
Jonathan Mayer (1.26, 28 / 2.15, 16, 32, 36)
Saz: Dursuncan Cakin (1.01, 14 / 4.01, 02)
Santur: Peyman (1.01 / 2.17)
Bouzouki: Steve Smith (1.12, 22 / 4.01, 02, 04)
Kanun: Maya Youssef (1.05, 12, 34 / 2.10, 12, 13 / 3.07, 11, 15 / 4.04)
Attab (1.01 / 2.03, 08, 11, 23 / 4.01, 03)
Kian (1.12, 13, 21)
Baha Yetkin (1.22 / 2.09, 14)
Classical Guitar:
Ashley Blasse (1.01, 02, 07 / 2.24 / 4.02, 04)
Ye Fan (2.33, 35, 39 / 4.01, 03)
Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX) (1.09~11, 17, 19, 31~34 / 3.01)
Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX) (2.18 / 3.03)
Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX) (2.19 / 3.02)
Dimeng Yuan (HOYO-MiX) (2.24 / 3.04)
Stephanie Gonley (1.20 / 4.02)
Ming Liu (4.01)
Choir Conductor: Fang Qi (2.36~39)
Choir: Sfuture Art Group (2.36~39)

Folk Instruments Supervisor: Kuljit Bhamra (1.01~05, 07, 08, 12~14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24~26, 28, 30, 34 / 2.01, 04, 06, 08~17, 21~24, 31, 32, 36 / 3.06~08, 11, 15, 17, 18 / 4.01~04)
Recording Studio:
St Luke’s (1.01~06, 08, 09, 11, 16~19, 21~23, 27~34 / 2.01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 09, 21, 22, 25, 28~31 / 3.04 / 4.01~04)
Abbey Road Studios (1.01, 02, 05~07, 09, 11, 12, 16~19, 21~23 / 2.01, 04, 09, 14, 21, 22, 28~31 / 3.04, 06 / 4.01~04)
Redfort Studio (1.01~05, 07, 08, 12, 14, 16, 26, 28, 30, 34 / 2.01, 02, 04, 06, 11, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 31 / 3.06, 18 / 4.01~04)
Air-Edel Recording Studios (1.01, 1.13, 14, 16, 18, 20 / 4.01, 03)
52Hz Studio (1.12, 13, 21 / 2.33, 35, 39 / 3.22, 23 / 4.01, 03)
Redfort Studio (1.24, 25 / 2.03, 08, 10, 12, 15, 23, 24, 32, 36 / 3.07, 08, 11, 15, 17)
Jintian Recording Studio (2.11, 13, 14, 17, 33~35, 37~39 / 3.18, 20)
Budapest Scoring (2.34, 38)
Sound Pro Studio (2.36~39)
Recording Engineer:
Lewis Jones (1.01~09, 11, 12, 14, 16~23, 26~34 / 2.01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 09, 14, 21, 22, 25, 28~31 / 3.04, 06 / 4.01~04)
Kuljit Bhamra (1.01~05, 07, 08, 12, 14, 16, 24~26, 28, 30, 34 / 2.01~04, 06, 08, 10~13, 15~17, 21~24, 31, 32, 36 / 3.06~08, 11, 15, 17, 18 / 4.01~04)
Oliver Thompson (1.01, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 / 4.01, 03)
Zach Huang (1.12, 13, 21 / 2.33, 35, 39 / 3.22, 23 / 4.01, 03)
Xiaosi Wang (2.11, 13, 14, 17, 33~35, 37~39 / 3.18, 20)
Jan Holzner (2.16)
Viktor Szabó (2.34, 38)
Xiaodong Cao (2.36~39)
Sound Editor:
George Oulton, Freddie Light (1.01~09, 11~34 / 2.01~04, 06~17, 21~25, 28~32, 36 / 3.04, 06~08, 11, 15, 17, 18 / 4.01~04)
Zach Huang (1.12, 13, 21 / 4.03)
Aaron Xu (2.36~39)
Mixing Engineer:
Lewis Jones (1.01~09, 11~34 / 2.01~04, 06~17, 21~25, 28~32, 36, 38 / 3.04~08, 11, 15, 17, 18 / 4.01~04)
Yu-Peng Chen (HOYO-MiX) (1.10 / 2.20, 26 / 3.01, 10)
Yijun Jiang (HOYO-MiX) (2.05, 19 / 3.12~14, 21~23)
Qian Ding (HOYO-MiX) (2.18, 27 / 3.03, 19)
Zach Huang (2.33~39 / 3.20)
Xin Zhao (HOYO-MiX) (3.09, 16)
Mastering Engineer: Simon Gibson
Produced by: HOYO-MiX (1.01~07, 09~34 / 2.01~39 / 3.01~23 / 4.01~04)

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