Gyakuten Kenji 1&2 Mitsurugi Selection ARRANGE MINI ALBUM

Gyakuten Kenji 1&2 Mitsurugi Selection ARRANGE MINI ALBUM

逆転検事1&2 御剣セレクション ARRANGE MINI ALBUM / Ace Attorney Investigations Collection ARRANGE MINI ALBUM

Gyakuten Kenji 1&2 Mitsurugi Selection ARRANGE MINI ALBUM

逆転検事1&2 御剣セレクション ARRANGE MINI ALBUM
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection ARRANGE MINI ALBUM


Catalog Number CPDA-10173
Release Date Sep 06, 2024
Publish Format Commercial, Enclosure
Release Price 9889 JPY (Package Price)
Media Format CD
Classification Arrangement
Publisher CAPCOM CO., LTD.
Manufacturer CAPCOM CO., LTD.

Arranged by Kodai Ikeda (CAPCOM), Tomoki Kameyama (CAPCOM)
Original Composers Noriyuki Iwadare, Masakazu Sugimori*, Yasuko Yamada
Production Managers Ryo Kanaya, Hideaki Kominami
Illustrator Tatsuro Iwamoto
Package Designer Megumi Masuda
Product Coordinator Yukimi Hishida
Special Thanks Yasumasa Kitagawa, Kenichi Hashimoto, Shunsuke Nishida, All CAPCOM Staff

Products represented
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit


01 Objections of Different Eras
02 Raven that Pursues the Truth
03 It’s Time for Action!
04 Howling Echoes
05 Unveiling the Truth

Enclosed with the Japan-exclusive “Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Checkmate Set” for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Arranged by:
Kodai Ikeda (01, 02, 03)
Tomoki Kameyama (04, 05)

Original Composers:
Noriyuki Iwadare (01, 02, 04, 05)
Masakazu Sugimori (03)*

*Note: While the booklet credits Yasuko Yamada for track 3’s composition, it is an arrangement of the theme of same name from “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney”, in turn actually composed by Sugimori. Yamada was responsible for arranging the track in “Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth”, and this incorrect composition credit was presumably carried over from there as a result.

Production Managers: Ryo Kanaya, Hideaki Kominami
Illustrator: Tatsuro Iwamoto
Package Designer: Megumi Masuda
Product Coordinator: Yukimi Hishida
Special Thanks: Yasumasa Kitagawa, Kenichi Hashimoto, Shunsuke Nishida, All CAPCOM Staff


Arranged from:
1: “Miles Edgeworth – Objection! 2009”, “Miles Edgeworth – Objection! 2011”
2: “Kay Faraday – Great Thief of the Truth”
3: “Dick Gumshoe – You Can Count on Me, Sir!”
4: “Shi-Long Lang – Lang Zi Says!”
5: “Pursuit – Chase Down the Truth”, “Pursuit – Uncover the Truth”

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