Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: Power Pro Music Hall 4

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: Power Pro Music Hall 4

実況パワフルプロ野球 パワプロ音楽館4

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: Power Pro Music Hall 4

実況パワフルプロ野球 パワプロ音楽館4
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: Power Pro Ongakukan 4


Composer Takako Yumishima, Yasumasa Kitagawa, Tomoaki Hirono, Shoichi Tanaka, Shigeru Araki
Vocals Kyouya Asada, Yoshiko Fujita, Megumi Oka, Sana, MAKI, ハルナ
Arranger Yasumasa Kitagawa, Tomoaki Hirono, Takako Yumishima
Lyricist Kyouya Asada, Yoshiko Fujita, Megumi Oka, Sana, MAKI, ハルナ, 遠山晃 (KONAMI), 池本健二 (KONAMI), 山本成章 (KONAMI)
Gospel Choir Arranger 藤村麻紀
Gospel Choir The Earthborn, まさを, ニキタ, りか, るぅ, セイン
Kid’s Choir Sweet Smile, 新井りえ, 新井玲菜, 新井涼太, 木村健太朗, 木村心之介, 木村友哉
Guitar SUNAO, Katekin Nishida, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Takashi Shirayama
Bass Kiyoshi Murakami, BJ Katsuhiko Sasai
Drums Pump Obata, Masami Itagaki, Hidekazu Nishi
Recording Engineer Hironori Karube (Malibu), Yoshitada Kimura (Studio KISS), 白山龍丸 (W.M.Studio)
Sound Producer Kenji Miyata (Malibu), Shigeru Araki
Vocal Direction T-SHOW
Recording Studio Malibu Entertainment Studio, U’sUS Waseda Studio, Recording Studio KISS, W.M.Studio Music Factory
Assistance 新井深絵
Sound Director Takahito Uenishi
Mastering Engineer Kazushi Kyogoku
Visual Design 中嶋圭ー (Pawapuro Production)
Art Direction Akihiro Yanagimoto
Design Akihiro Yanagimoto
Sales Promotion Takako Kawamura (Sony Music Distribution)
Licensing Management Kazunari Okido
A&R Junichi Kamei, Saori Amano
A&R Management Tetsuya Osono
Label Manager Kazuyoshi Naito
Executive Producer Yojiro Kudo
Special Thanks All Pawapuro Fans☆
Liner Notes Kazuhiko Uehara, 谷渕弘, Takahito Uenishi, Yasumasa Kitagawa, Takako Yumishima, Tomoaki Hirono, Shigeru Araki
Round Table Discussion Yasumasa Kitagawa, Tomoaki Hirono, Takako Yumishima

Products represented
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 12
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 Ketteiban
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Wii
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14 Ketteiban
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Wii Ketteiban


Disc 1 [GFCA-87]

01 Sky-Blue Trails (Opening Theme Full Size Version) 3:13
02 Starting Grid (Main Select) 1:21
03 P-P-P-Playback! (Replay) 0:37
04 Traces of the Fighting Spirit (Game Results) 0:46
05 Go For It (Main) 1:28
06 Hop Step Dog (Mission Explanation) 0:43
07 Rising Hero (Clear Jingle) 0:07
08 Testing Time (Proficiency Test) 0:33
09 Build Up (Settings) 1:02
10 Higher Higher (Season) 1:20
11 Rest (Off-Season) 1:20
12 South Wind Rushing Past (High-Speed Game) 1:05
13 Humming (Record Room) 1:04
14 Bargaining (Draft) 0:51
15 A New Departure (FA) 1:08
16 Portrait Floating on the River’s Surface (Ending) 1:26
17 Beginning of the End (Staff Roll) 1:16
18 Beginning of My Life (Settings) 1:09
19 Determination (Enrollment Demo) 1:06
20 Spring Dream (First String (Spring)) 1:06
21 Jump in Summer (First String (Summer)) 0:59
22 Day of the Final Game (First String (Autumn)) 1:22
23 Warrior’s Rest (Off-Season) 1:27
24 Every Day (Generic Event) 0:22
25 The Game (Game 1 (First String)) 1:07
26 Never Give Up (Game 2 (Second String)) 1:05
27 It’s Mylife (Ending) 1:27
28 A True Champion (Champion Cup Main) 1:11
29 Fight Without Defeat (Tournament Main) 1:10
30 Tension (League Main) 0:54
31 Elation (Order) 0:27
32 One-Shot Contest! (Rock-Paper-Scissors) 0:24
33 Tranquility (Ending) 0:48
34 Now Broadcasting! (Main) 0:51
35 Enfolding You (Ending) 1:28
36 Choice Choice Choice! (Scenario Selection) 0:43
37 Let’s Get Started (Name Entry) 1:06
38 A Fresh Start (Introduction Demo) 1:04
39 Contrail (Baseball School Volume: A Class) 1:39
40 Rules (Baseball School Volume: B Class) 1:39
41 Persevering Attitude (Baseball School Volume: C Class) 1:11
42 Salaried Baseball Player (Worker Volume: Main 1) 1:20
43 Winners, Losers (Worker Volume: Main 2) 1:21
44 The Wilderness Supporter (Worker Volume: Legendary Foreign Supporter) 1:01
45 Feeling the Great Voyage (Protest Volume: Main 1) 1:27
46 Last Chance (Protest Volume: Main 2) 1:31
47 Rushing (Game 1 (Generic)) 1:28
48 The Reality in Your Hands (Game 2 (Generic)) 1:18
49 Hardball (Game 3 (Generic)) 0:55
50 Weekend Fun (Dormitory) 0:55
51 Confronting Emptiness (Dungeon) 0:44
52 The Meaning of Battle (Battle) 0:34
53 Sky-Blue Trails -Sad Version- (Sad) 1:05
54 Sky-Blue Trails -Excite Version- (Excited) 0:47
55 Foolishness, and a Deserved Hammer (Babigon’s Theme) 0:25
56 Believe (Success Ending Theme Full Size Version) 3:16
Disc length 63:12

Disc 2 [GFCA-88]

01 ONE (Opening Theme Full Size Version) 3:07
02 Romantic Highway (Main Select) 1:28
03 At End of Day (Game Results) 1:03
04 Flying Home Run (Home Run Competition) 1:18
05 R-R-R-Replay! (Replay) 0:37
06 Wonderland of Beginning (Settings) 0:47
07 Now the Season Begins! (Season Begins Jingle) 0:09
08 Step by Day (Normal) 1:33
09 Out of Service (Off-Season Normal) 1:28
10 High Speed Game (High-Speed Game) 0:52
11 Footprints of Glory (Record Room) 1:23
12 New Face (Draft/FA) 0:27
13 Time’s Arrow (Fast Forward) 1:14
14 It’s Another Clear-Skied Day (Staff Roll) 1:33
15 Victory in Hand… (Championship Demo) 0:43
16 Feeling Like a Rookie (Settings) 1:23
17 New Shoes and New Feelings (Opening Demo) 1:00
18 One Step (Normal) 0:57
19 Contractless Victory (Championship Contractor Volume: Normal) 0:57
20 Two Glories (Playing Manager Volume: Normal) 1:01
21 Cheerful Boy (Off-Season: Normal) 0:51
22 Street Corner (Generic Event) 0:34
23 Hidamari (Dojo) 0:45
24 Close Race (Game) 0:53
25 Ball Traces (Ending) 1:06
26 Switch On! (Opening Jingle) 0:08
27 I’m Going to Train! (Opening BGM) 0:54
28 At the Beginning (Name Entry) 0:59
29 EASY GOING (Japan Map Screen) 0:39
30 Shining Season (Introduction Demo) 0:51
31 Fresh Mode (Powerful High School: Normal) 1:27
32 Glorious Game (Powerful High School: New Game) 1:13
33 New Style of Eternity (Powerful High School Anthem) 0:34
34 Happy Yellow (Saint Tachibana Academy: Normal) 1:35
35 Love Campus (Saint Tachibana Academy: Normal 2) 1:05
36 Carefully (Saint Tachibana Academy: Negotiations) 0:42
37 Thinking Time (Saint Tachibana Academy: Considering) 0:51
38 Sanctuary of Hope (Saint Tachibana Academy Anthem (Male Voice)) 0:53
39 Sanctuary of Hope (Saint Tachibana Academy Anthem (Female Voice)) 0:53
40 GLORY (Teiou Business High School: 1 Army Normal) 1:27
41 Unyielding Fighting Spirit! (Teiou Business High School: 2 Army Normal) 0:50
42 Ready Go! (Teiou Business High School: Teiou Game (remix)) 0:26
43 Victory and Glory (Teiou Business High School Anthem) 0:54
44 Battle Life (Haikyou High School: Normal) 1:27
45 Survival of the Fittest (Haikyou High School: Water Hunting) 0:58
46 Race King (Haikyou High School: Haikyou Race) 0:38
47 Heart and Might (Haikyou High School Anthem) 1:01
48 Striving for the Championship (During the Tournament (Common)) 1:09
49 Tough Body (Game) 1:34
50 PIKO ↑ ↓ PIKO (Whac-A-Mole) 0:53
51 Love Power – Theme of Love (Love Power) 1:34
52 Love Fever – Theme of Love Fever (Love Fever) 0:55
53 Ah, Ms. Karen (Karen’s Theme) 0:44
54 TRY (Practical Exam Generic) 0:40
55 ONE -Sad Version- (Sad Generic) 0:57
56 ONE -Excite Version- (Excited Generic) 0:45
57 Did You See the Rainbow? (Success Ending Theme) 3:30
58 Broadcast Commencing (Opening) 0:10
59 Broadcasting Room (Room) 0:40
60 Shiny Dream (National Representative Volume: Main BGM) 1:41
61 Can’t Concede (National Representative Volume: Game BGM) 1:47
Disc length 64:33

Disc 3 [GFCA-89]

01 Shining Road (Opening Theme Full Size Version) 2:48
02 Pawafuru Fantasy (Main Select) 1:32
03 Resolution for Tomorrow (Results) 1:16
04 Ride On! (Opening) 0:09
05 Season Moments (Season) 1:18
06 Days Off (Off-Season) 1:14
07 Near Future Adventure (Automatic Game) 1:03
08 Peace (Staff Roll) 1:17
09 Life is… (Opening) 0:09
10 The Day They Became a Pro Baseball Player (Enrollment Demo) 0:59
11 Last Run (Season (Retirement Walkway Volume)) 0:55
12 Moment of Calm (Off-Season) 0:59
13 Last Stand (Second String Game) 1:00
14 Back of the Old Father (Retirement Demo) 0:33
15 Sports Ground Memories (Ending) 2:01
16 My Name is… (Name Entry) 1:06
17 Triangle Again (Introduction Demo) 1:18
18 Victory Road (First String Demo) 1:28
19 The Silent Fighting Spirit (Second String Demo) 1:20
20 Open the Festival (After Playoffs Main) 1:11
21 Show Time (Game) 0:34
22 Shining Road -Sad Version- (Sad) 1:12
23 Shining Road -Excite Version- (Excited) 0:47
24 Shard of Hope (Emotional) 0:55
25 Calm Ms. Karen (Calm Karen) 1:12
26 Go with the wind ~The Irreplaceable Days of Our Lives~ (Success Ending Theme) 3:22
27 The Cherry Blossom Dance Moment (Introduction Demo) 0:30
28 Spring’s First Storm (Spring Main) 1:02
29 The Treasure of Summer (Summer Main) 1:26
30 Promenade (Autumn Main) 1:15
31 White Sky, White Ball (Winter Main) 1:21
32 DOKIDOKI (Draft) 0:34
33 Training, Then More Training (Training Camp) 0:44
34 Vigorous High School Baseballer (During Regular Game Main) 0:47
35 The Dream Stage (During Koshien Tournament Main) 0:56
36 Hope Shining Out (Generic Anthem 1) 0:52
37 Flutter Into the Future (Generic Anthem 2) 0:56
38 New Style of Eternity (Powerful High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 0:34
39 Victory and Glory (Teiou Business High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 0:54
40 Sanctuary of Hope (Saint Tachibana Academy Anthem (Instrumental)) 0:53
41 Heart and Might (Haikyou High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 1:02
42 The Light of Akatsuki (Akatsuki University-Attached High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 1:02
43 Glorious Wind (Soyokaze High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 0:51
44 Perpetually Beautiful (RenRen High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 1:10
45 Hold Out the Ball (Tamahachi High School Anthem (Instrumental)) 0:39
46 Thank You, Alma Mater (Graduation Ceremony) 0:58
47 Funky Communication (Opening) 0:09
48 Everyday Routine (My Life) 1:23
49 Let’s Do It Perfectly (Perfect Center) 0:38
50 Gulp, Gulp! (Tea House) 0:58
51 World Wide Battle (Opening) 0:59
52 The New Asian Style (Main 1 (Asia Preliminary Game)) 1:02
53 Breeze from HAWAI (Main 2 (After the Main Game)) 1:06
54 Triumphant Homecoming (Ending) 0:57
Disc length 57:16

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 12: 1.01~56
<Environment>: 1.01~4
<Baseball Class>: 1.05~8
<Pennant>: 1.09~17
<My Life>: 1.18~27
<Champion Tournament>: 1.28~33
<Power Pro Online>: 1.34
<Scenario>: 1.35
<Success>: 1.36~56
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13: 2.01~59
<Environment>: 2.01~5
<Pennant>: 2.06~15
<My Life>: 2.16~25
<Success>: 2.26~57
<Power Pro Online>: 2.58, 2.59
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 Ketteiban: 2.60, 2.61
<Success>: 2.60, 2.61
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14 / Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Wii: 3.01~50
<Environment>: 3.01~3
<Pennant>: 3.04~8
<My Life>: 3.09~15
<Success ~Pro Baseball Star Highway Version~>: 3.16~26
<Success ~Laureate Nine Version~>: 3.27~46
<Power Pro Online>: 3.47~50
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14 Ketteiban / Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Wii Ketteiban: 3.51~54
<Success ~Dream JAPAN Version~>: 3.51~54

Yasumasa Kitagawa: 1.01~4, 1.09~15, 1.17, 1.28~35, 1.53, 1.54, 3.02~5, 3.09, 3.14, 3.21, 3.27, 3.47, 3.49
Takako Yumishima: 1.05~8, 1.36~52, 1.55, 2.08, 2.09, 2.31, 2.33, 2.34, 2.36, 2.38~40, 2.43, 2.44, 2.47, 2.60, 2.61, 3.01, 3.08, 3.13, 3.22~26, 3.33, 3.36, 3.37, 3.39~41, 3.50
Shigeru Araki: 2.02, 2.03
Shoichi Tanaka: 2.04~7, 2.10~14, 2.26, 2.27
Tomoaki Hirono: 1.56, 2.01, 2.15, 2.28~30, 2.42, 2.49, 2.55~59, 3.38, 3.42~45
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu series songs: 1.16, 1.18~27, 2.16~25, 2.32, 2.35, 2.37, 2.41, 2.45, 2.46, 2.48, 2.50~54, 3.06, 3.07, 3.10~12, 3.15~20, 3.28~32, 3.34, 3.35, 3.46, 3.48, 3.51~54

遠山晃: 2.38, 2.39
池本健二: 2.43
山本成章: 2.47

1.01: Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 12 / opening theme
Composer, Arranger: Yasumasa Kitagawa (KONAMI)
Vocals, Lyricist: Kyouya Asada
-Musicians & Recording Staff-
Guitar: SUNAO
Bass: Kiyoshi Murakami
Drums: Pump Obata
Recording Engineer: Hironori Karube (Malibu)
Sound Producer: Kenji Miyata (Malibu)
Recording Studio: Malibu Entertainment Studio, U’sUS Waseda Studio

1.56: Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 12 / Success ending theme
Composer, Arranger: Tomoaki Hirono (KONAMI)
Vocals, Lyricist: Yoshiko Fujita
-Musicians & Recording Staff-
Guitar: Katekin Nishida
Recording Engineer: Yoshitada Kimura (Studio KISS)
Vocal Direction: T-SHOW
Recording Studio: Recording Studio KISS

2.01: Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 / opening theme
Composer, Arranger: Tomoaki Hirono (KONAMI)
Vocals, Lyricist: Megumi Oka
-Musicians & Recording Staff-
Guitar: Hiroyuki Suzuki
Bass: Kiyoshi Murakami
Drums: Masami Itagaki
Recording Engineer: Hironori Karube (Malibu)
Sound Producer: Kenji Miyata (Malibu)
Recording Studio: Malibu Entertainment Studio, U’sUS Waseda Studio

Lyricist: 遠山晃 (KONAMI)
Composer: Pawapuro series music

Lyricist: 遠山晃 (KONAMI)
Composer: Takako Yumishima

Lyricist: 池本健二 (KONAMI)
Composer: Takako Yumishima

Lyricist: 山本成章 (KONAMI)
Composer: Takako Yumishima

2.57: Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 / Success ending theme
Composer, Arranger: Tomoaki Hirono (KONAMI)
Vocals, Lyricist: Sana
-Musicians & Recording Staff-
Guitar: Katekin Nishida
Recording Engineer: Hironori Karube (Malibu)
Sound Producer: Kenji Miyata (Malibu)
Recording Studio: Malibu Entertainment Studio

3.01: Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14 / opening theme
Composer, Arranger: Takako Yumishima
Vocals, Lyricist: MAKI
-Musicians & Recording Staff-
Guitar: Takashi Shirayama
Bass: BJ Katsuhiko Sasai
Drums: Hidekazu Nishi
Recording Engineer: 白山龍丸 (W.M.Studio)
Recording Studio: W.M.Studio Music Factory

3.26: Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 14 / Success ending theme
Composer, Arranger: Takako Yumishima
Vocals, Lyricist: ハルナ
-Musicians & Recording Staff-
Gospel Choir Arrange: 藤村麻紀
Gospel Choir: “The Earthborn”
まさを / ニキタ / りか / るぅ / セイン
Kid’s Choir: “Sweet Smile”
新井りえ / 新井玲菜 / 新井涼太
木村健太朗 / 木村心之介 / 木村友哉
Guitar: Takashi Shirayama
Bass: BJ Katsuhiko Sasai
Recording Engineer: 白山龍丸 (W.M.Studio)
Recording Studio: W.M.Studio Music Factory
Assistance: 新井深絵

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Series
Executive Proucer: Kazuhiko Uehara
General Producer: 谷渕弘
Game Production Team: Pawapro Production
Sound Director: Takahito Uenishi
Sound Producer: Shigeru Araki

Mastering Engineer: Kazushi Kyogoku
Visual Design: 中嶋圭ー (Pawapuro Production)
Art Direction & Design: Akihiro Yanagimoto
Sales Promotion: Takako Kawamura (Sony Music Distribution)
Licensing Management: Kazunari Okido
A&R: Junichi Kamei, Saori Amano
A&R Management: Tetsuya Osono
Label Manager: Kazuyoshi Naito
Executive Producer: Yojiro Kudo
Special Thanks: All Pawapuro Fans☆

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