Original Soundtrack of Katahane

Original Soundtrack of Katahane

Original Soundtrack of Katahane

カタハネ オリジナル サウンドトラック

Catalog Number FJ-901
Barcode 4562360409016
Release Date May 25, 2012 character1 2017
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 4200 JPY
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
Organizations LONGSHOT

Composer Blueberry&Yogurt, M.U.T.S. music studio (Shinichiro Matsumoto)
Arranger Blueberry&Yogurt, M.U.T.S. music studio (Shinichiro Matsumoto)
Performer Anmi Mizuki, Rita
Lyricist Rita, Jenya

Products represented


Disc 1

01 Traveler(旅の始まり) 0:10
02 Alea jacta est!(one ver.) 1:47
03 Typing!(執筆活動) 0:14
04 Stroll(散歩) 2:05
05 Scenery(風景) 1:54
06 Ancient capital(古都) 1:59
07 Mimicry diary(まねっこ日記) 2:03
08 Gasparo(猫王子) 0:40
09 Puppet show(人形劇) 1:55
10 Side walk cafe(カフェテラス) 2:18
11 Mischievous age(悪戯盛り) 1:52
12 Sunlight of summer(夏の日差し) 2:10
13 Competition(競争) 1:40
14 I’m sleeping…(ネムネムさん) 1:40
15 Pursuit(追求) 2:05
16 See you again(またね) 2:21
17 Separation(お別れ) 2:28
18 Meteoric swarm(流星群) 2:15
19 Tears of crescent(三日月の涙) 2:08
20 it’s just farewell(one ver.) 2:31
21 Alea jacta est!(one ver./off vocal) 1:47
22 it’s just farewell(one ver./off vocal) 2:30
23 Alea jacta est! 3:39
24 it’s just farewell 4:55
25 Alea jacta est!(off vocal) 3:39
26 it’s just farewell(off vocal) 4:52
Disc length 57:37

Disc 2

01 Calling(呼び鈴) 0:07
02 Memories are here(one ver.) 2:02
03 Cococococo(青の人形) 0:19
04 Hide and seek(かくれんぼ) 3:52
05 Solitary princess(孤独な姫) 3:09
06 Castle Walk(場内散策) 2:55
07 Epicure(美食家) 1:29
08 Drop-Drop(落ちたドロップ) 0:51
09 Whisper of wine(ワインのささやき) 2:25
10 Rehearsal(予行演習) 1:09
11 Conference(懇談会) 1:26
12 Dance party(舞踏会) 3:29
13 The dark(暗闇) 1:17
14 Straying(迷走) 0:50
15 Dinner menu(晩餐の献立) 1:40
16 Divine charity(主の慈悲) 1:34
17 Suffer(苦悩) 1:52
18 Parting kiss(別れのキス) 2:21
19 Struggle of honor (名誉の戦い) 2:02
20 Strategy(戦略) 2:05
21 Single shuttlecock(カタハネ) 4:15
22 Memory(想い) 2:59
23 Memories are here(one ver./off vocal) 2:02
24 Memories are here 6:04
25 Memories are here(off vocal) 6:02
Disc length 58:16

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