Ryuuyoku no Melodia -Diva with the blessed dragonol- Original Soundtrack HARMONIA

Ryuuyoku no Melodia -Diva with the blessed dragonol- Original Soundtrack HARMONIA

竜翼のメロディア -Diva with the blessed dragonol- オリジナルサウンドトラック HARMONIA

Ryuuyoku no Melodia -Diva with the blessed dragonol- Original Soundtrack HARMONIA

竜翼のメロディア -Diva with the blessed dragonol- オリジナルサウンドトラック HARMONIA


Catalog Number MEL-ST1
Release Date Dec 28, 2012
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3000 JPY
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Vocal
Publisher Whirlpool

Composer Daisuke Kikuta, Hitoshi Fujima, Masato Nakayama, Junpei Fujita, Noriyasu Agematsu
Arranger Daisuke Kikuta, Hitoshi Fujima, Masato Nakayama, Junpei Fujita, Tomohiro Kita
Performer Shizuku Satou, Yui Sakakibara, Hinata Ayukawa, Saori Yukito, Hana Kiritani
Lyricist RUCCA, Le ciel

Products represented
Ryuuyoku no Melodia -Diva with the blessed dragonol-


Disc 1 Vocal

01 Eternal Melodia(Full Ver)
02 楽園の奏(Full Ver)
03 Fortissimo Sky(Full Ver)
04 Realize(Full Ver)
05 Shiny Butterfly(Full Ver)
06 Blaze on(Full Ver)
07 Rainbow Circle(Full Ver)
08 Sincerely Symphony(Full Ver)
09 Eternal Melodia(Inst Ver)
10 楽園の奏(Inst Ver)
11 Fortissimo Sky(Inst Ver)
12 Realize(Inst Ver)
13 Shiny Butterfly(Inst Ver)
14 Blaze on(Inst Ver)
15 Rainbow Circle(Inst Ver)
16 Sincerely Symphony(Inst Ver)
17 Eternal Melodia -If-

Disc 2 Original Soundtrack

01 お転婆姫は駆け抜ける
02 変わらぬ安らぎを
03 花咲く微笑みと
04 いつも一緒に
05 好奇心を満たすものは?
06 Usual Days
07 星空廻る
09 賑やかに歩こう
10 眩いその場所は
11 伝わるキモチ
12 たったひとつの
13 cry for you
14 閉じられた心
15 琥珀色の瞬間
16 きみのこえ
17 Shiny time
18 苛烈なる鋼の魂
19 Overture
20 想い出の在り処
21 闇への誘い
22 守護せしもの
23 運命の舞台へ
24 悠久のドラグノール
25 Lost Memory

Vocal: Shizuku Satou, Yui Sakakibara
Lyrics: RUCCA
Compose/Arrange: Daisuke Kikuta (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Shizuku Satou
Lyrics: Le ciel
Compose/Arrange: Hitoshi Fujima (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Shizuku Satou
Lyrics: RUCCA
Compose/Arrange: Hitoshi Fujima (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Yui Sakakibara
Lyrics: RUCCA
Compose/Arrange: Masato Nakayama (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Yui Sakakibara
Lyrics: Le ciel
Compose/Arrange: Masato Nakayama (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Shizuku Satou, Yui Sakakibara
Lyrics: Le ciel
Compose/Arrange: Daisuke Kikuta (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Shizuku Satou, Yui Sakakibara, Hinata Ayukawa, Saori Yukito, Hana Kiritani [桐谷華]
Lyrics: Le ciel
Compose/Arrange: Junpei Fujita (Elements Garden)

Vocal: Shizuku Satou, Yui Sakakibara
Lyrics: RUCCA
Compose: Noriyasu Agematsu (Elements Garden)
Arrange: Tomohiro Kita (Elements Garden)

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