Sui-Sui-Sweet Original Soundtracks

Sui-Sui-Sweet Original Soundtracks

『すいすいSweet』 オリジナルサウンドトラック

Sui-Sui-Sweet Original Soundtracks

『すいすいSweet』 オリジナルサウンドトラック


Catalog Number PLNS-0007~8
Release Date Aug 14, 2001 C60
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 2000 JPY
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Arrangement

Compose Loser, miku, amakko2, SIMO, Ebi
Arrange Wataru Hazuki, Ebi, Kou.Hayashi, Daisuke Nagata, Minoru Yakohne, SIMO, PULSENOTES, Loser Kashiwagi
Lyrics SAY
Vocal Hiromi Sato, Tirol
Mastering Loser Kashiwagi
Designworks Loser Kashiwagi
Illustration Akari Tachibana
All Produce YET11

Products represented


Disc 1 [PLNS-0007]

01 Sweet Kiss (Full Version) 5:21
02 Morning Shower 1:27
03 Dance In The Moonlight 2:56
04 紅茶入りのジャムでTea time 2:49
05 木漏れ日の寝息 2:27
07 Fleedom! 2:31
08 両手を伸ばそう 2:15
09 weekday night fever 3:14
10 Dance In The Sunlight 2:10
11 見上げた空の蒼 (Instrumental) 2:11
12 お後がよろしい? 1:11
13 ひび割れたガラスの欠片 2:11
14 糸の切れたmarionette 1:09
15 指からこぼれた砂のように 1:39
16 sugar babe 3:27
17 I want to… 5:07
18 見上げた空の蒼 2:55
19 Sweet Kiss (Karaoke) 1:56
20 PHoto staND 2:47
Disc length 52:16

Disc 2 [PLNS-0008]

01 Fleedom! 4:45
02 sugar babe 4:40
03 木漏れ日の寝息 2:53
05 指からこぼれた砂のように 3:26
06 木漏れ日の寝息 3:44
07 PHoto staND (Vocal Arranged) 5:05
08 outro (両手を伸ばそう) 2:52
Disc length 32:20

DISC 1 (Original Soundtracks)
DISC 2 (Special Arrange Version)

BGM Compose & Arrange (DISC 1):
miku (2, 13, 20)
amakko2 (3, 4, 9, 14)
Loser (5~7, 15)
SIMO (8, 12)
Ebi (10, 16)

Arrange (DISC 2):
Wataru Hazuki (1)
Ebi (2)
Kou.Hayashi (3)
Daisuke Nagata (4)
Minoru Yakohne (5)
SIMO (6)
Loser Kashiwagi (8)

Original SoundTracks Compose: amakko2, Ebi, SIMO, miku, Loser
Vocal: Hiromi Sato, Tirol
Arrange Tracks Compose: Wataru Hazuki Ebi, nagatadaisuke, Kou.Hayashi, Minoru Yakohne SIMO, Loser Kashiwagi
Mastering: Loser Kashiwagi
Designworks: Loser Kashiwagi
Illustration: Akari Tachibana

All Produce: YET11

M-1.01 – Opening Theme
Vocal: Hiromi Sato
Compose & Arrange: Loser
Lyrics: SAY

M-1.17 – Ending Theme II
Vocal: Tirol
Compose & Arrange: miku
Lyrics: SAY

M-1.18 – Ending Theme
Vocal: Hiromi Sato
Compose & Arrange: Ebi
Lyrics: SAY

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