need your support

Support Sonix’s OST Collection

To run this site, I’m currently using a private offshore VPS. The current price for hosting and domains is about 120 USD per year (100 USD for 2 VPSs, 20 USD for 2 domain renewals, and some money to buy rare CDs). Every donation that I receive is used for this purpose.

In addition to that, I also use the service to cover the funding needed to keep this site running, so please be sympathetic towards me.

If you can get OST you wanted from my blog, saying “thank you” is enough for me, but if you still want to support me, you can do it in many ways:

Special thanks to donators:

Donators List

Thank you and keep enjoying the game soundtracks.

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©2009-2024 is a website that collects information about game and anime music. It is created with the purpose of archiving lossy music and does not intend for sharing
