Power Stone Original Soundtrack

Power Stone Original Soundtrack

パワーストーン オリジナル・サウンドトラック

Power Stone Original Soundtrack

パワーストーン オリジナル・サウンドトラック


Catalog Number CPCA-1024
Barcode 4976219300575
Release Date Mar 20, 1999
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 2100 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Original Soundtrack, Sound Effect
Manufacturer CAPCOM
Distributor SME Intermedia Inc.
Phonographic Copyright CAPCOM

Composer Tetsuya Shibata (Capcom)
Sound Designer Wataru Hachisako (Capcom), Hiroshi Ohno (Capcom)
Executive Producer Kenichi Tanaka (Capcom)
Producer Mareo Yamada (Capcom)
A&R Hidenori Shinohara (Capcom)
Recording Studio studio digiwave
Recording Engineer Kazuya Takimoto (Capcom)
Mastering Engineer Yoshihiko Ando (Harion)
Mastering Studio Harion
Art Coordinator Satoru Ishii (Sony Music Communications), Yoshiaki Hosoda (Sony Music Communications)
Art Designer Masato Suzuki (Sony Music Communications)
Promoter Yuka Fujiwara (Harion)
Special Thanks Capcom “Power Stone” Research and Development Staff, All Capcom Staff, Naoko Ishizaka (Capcom)
Liner Notes Tetsuya Shibata, Takashi Tezuka

Products represented
Power Stone


01 Day Of The Manches St. (Arrange Ver. Of “Manches Stage”) 4:37
02 Opening~Title 0:51
03 Ranking Display 0:15
04 Book-Open Demo 0:07
05 Player Select 0:42
06 Stage Select 0:31
07 Vs. 0:07
08 Londo Stage 2:16
09 Mutsu Stage 1:51
10 Tong-An Stage 1:45
11 Manches Stage 2:09
12 Dawnvolta Stage 1:36
13 Power-Fusion 0:49
14 Winning 0:34
15 Dullstown Stage 3:21
16 Oedo Stage 1:46
17 Mahdad Stage 2:21
18 Here Comes A New Challenger 0:06
19 Skullhaven Stage 2:08
20 Avalon Is. Stage 1 2:20
21 Valgus Fusion 0:43
22 Final Valgas 0:19
23 Avalon Is. Stage 2 2:00
24 Common Ending 1 0:37
25 Common Ending 2 0:25
26 Focker Ending 1 0:23
27 Fokker Ending 2 0:27
28 Ryoma Ending 0:36
29 WangTang Ending 0:38
30 Jack Ending 0:12
31 Gunrock Ending 0:37
32 Galuda Ending 1 0:08
33 Galuda Ending 2 0:33
34 Ayame Ending 0:39
35 Rouge Ending 0:38
36 Kraken Ending 0:35
37 Valgas Ending 0:29
38 Continue 1:03
39 Game Over 0:09
40 Staff Roll 1:59
41 Additional Mode (DC) 0:48
42 Fokker Voice 0:49
43 Ryoma Voice 0:52
44 Wang-Tang Voice 0:54
45 Jack Voice 0:54
46 Gunrock Voice 1:00
47 Galuda Voice 0:58
48 Ayame Voice 0:52
49 Rouge Voice 0:57
50 Kraken Voice 1:02
51 Valgas Voice 0:57
52 Final Valgas Voice 0:23
53 Narration Voice 1:49
54 SE Collection 6:28
Disc length 62:05

Executive Producer: Kenichi Tanaka (CAPCOM)
Producer: Mareo Yamada (CAPCOM)
A&R: Hidenori Shinohara (CAPCOM)

Composer: Tetsuya Shibata (CAPCOM)

Sound Designer: Wataru Hachisako (CAPCOM), Hiroshi Ohno (CAPCOM)

Recording Studio: studio digiwave
Recording Engineer: Kazuya Takimoto (CAPCOM)
Mastering Engineer: Yoshihiko Ando (HARION)
Mastering Studio: HARION


Art Designer: Masato Suzuki (SONY MUSIC COMMUNICATIONS)

Promoter: Yuka Fujiwara (HARION)

Special Thanks: CAPCOM “POWER STONE” Research and Development Staff, All Capcom Staff, Naoko Ishizaka (CAPCOM)

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